He Knows the Plan...
''I know the plans I have for you.'' Jeremiah 29:11
Nothing shocks God or catches Him off guard. He did not
panic when Adam sinned in the Garden. He did not freak out
when the world grew so sinful that He had to send a flood to
cleanse and start it over again. Sodom and Gomorrah did not
make Him gasp. When Jonah ended up inside the whale God was not thrown. That is because God always has a plan. And He has one for your life too. It is detailed, timely, well oiled,
perfectly orchestrated, and when you fully grasp it you will
be thrilled! The Bible says He has '...plans to prosper...and
not to harm you...to give you hope and a future.' But sometimes it is hard to see God's hand at work, especially when trouble is knocking on your door in the form of a diagnosis you
dreaded, a runaway child, a partner who wants out of the
marriage, or a financial setback you are not sure you will
When the crisis you are facing makes you want to throw in the
towel, remember this: our problems become God's opportunities. He loves to transform our most costly mistakes into priceless gems of wisdom, our bruised and bleeding places into greater strength, and our deepest fears into unshakeable faith - once we start seeing them as part of His master plan! Today God wants to bring His purposes to pass in your life in ways that will astonish you. So stay in step with Him, keep trusting and refuse to give place to discouragement no matter what; okay?
as seen in wordfortoday
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